Install your Kreezalid theme

1 Your work environment

  1. Download the file .zip of your theme.
  2. Unzip the folder.
  3. Log into your Kreezalid dashboard.

2 Import the graphic style

  1. In your Kreezalid dashboard, go to Theme / Customize / Custom CSS
  2. From the theme folder, open the file style.css

    This type of file can be opened with a Notepad ++ or TextEdit type tool.

    NB: If necessary, you can download a code editor which will allow you to view the content of the file: Download Sublime Text

  3. Copy the entire file, then paste its content on the custom CSS page of your Kreezalid dashboard
  4. Save.
  5. Repeat the same procedure for javascript. Open the file script.js contained in the theme folder.
  6. Copy the contents of the file.
  7. On your Kreezalid dashboard, go to Theme / Personalize / Personalized Javascript
  8. Paste the content of the javascript file here.
  9. Save.
    Not all themes contain custom javascript. If no .js file is present in the folder of your theme, this is normal.

3 Home page

Home page welcome banner

  1. On your Kreezalid dashboard, go to Theme / Personalize / Home page / Welcome banner
  2. The parameters in this section should be set as follows:
  3. Complete this section with the titles, texts and links of your choice.
  4. Save the changes.

    For your banner page image, you can download in this section one of the images available in the folder Images / Home-welcome

    To find more images: 14 sites to find royalty free images

    Attention, remember to control and optimize the weight of your images before uploading them to your marketplace. To avoid a too long loading time of your home page and a loss of performance, make sure that your banner image weighs less than 500ko.

    Here are free online services that will allow you to easily reduce the weight of your images: (for animated gif)

    You can also use a tool like Photoshop.

Featured Categories

  1. On your Kreezalid dashboard, go to Theme / Personalize / Home page / Featured categories
  2. This section must be set to Effect 1 :
  3. Complete this section with the titles, texts and links of your choice.
  4. For images, you can use those available in the theme folder, in Images / Home-featured-categories
  5. Save.

Custom section

  1. On your Kreezalid dashboard, go to Theme / Personalize / Home page / Personalized section
  2. From the theme folder, open the file home-custom-section.html
  3. Copy the entire file.
  4. On your dashboard, place the text editor in "Source Code" mode:
  5. Paste the contents of the file here:
  6. Save.

    To modify the content of this section, be sure to put the text editor in "Source Code" mode:

    This will allow you to make your changes without modifying the HTML markup in this section.

Editorial section

  1. On your Kreezalid dashboard, go to Theme / Personalize / Home page / Editorial section
  2. From the theme folder, open the file home-editorial-section.html
  3. Copy the entire file.
  4. On your dashboard, place the text editor in "Source Code" mode.
  5. Paste the contents of the file here
  6. Save.
    Not all themes contain a personalized editorial section. If no home-editorial-section.html file is present in the folder of your theme, this is normal.

4 Announcement thumbnails

The ad thumbnails correspond to the ad previews displayed on the home page, category pages, and search results pages. Your theme contains a personalized version of this overview.

  1. On your Kreezalid dashboard, go to Settings / Announcements / Announcements thumbnails
  2. From the theme folder, open listing-thumbnail.html .
  3. Open the file and copy its contents.
  4. On your dashboard, click the "Use a personalized ad thumbnail" button :
  5. Paste the content of the file in the "Code ad thumbnail" field :
  6. Save.

5 Footer

  1. On your Kreezalid dashboard, go to Theme / General / Footer
  2. From the theme folder, open footer-column-template.html . This file contains an example of HTML structuring for the columns of the footer of your site.
  3. Open the file and copy its contents.
  4. On your dashboard, choose the number of columns you want to display on your footer:
  5. For each column, place the text editor in "Source Code" mode and paste the content of the file footer-column-template.html
  6. Customize the content and links of each column.
  7. Save.
    Not all themes contain custom footers. If no footer-column-template.html file is present in your theme folder, this is normal.

6 Page Templates

Your theme contains 3 page templates (page-template-X.html) of content that you can reuse on your site.

  1. On your Kreezalid dashboard, go to Pages
  2. From the theme folder, open Pages . This folder contains 2 .html files
  3. Open one of the files and copy its contents.
  4. On your dashboard, click the Add page button
  5. Place the text editor in "Source Code" mode:
  6. Paste the contents of the file here.
  7. Save.
  8. After saving the page, you can preview it by clicking on "Preview page":

7 Useful apps

Here are the useful apps used on your theme demo that could be useful for your site:

  • Faq
  • Wishlist
  • Inbox
  • Advanced Store
  • Google Maps
  • Social share

You can install and activate these applications from your Kreezalid dashboard, onlget App Store .